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Risk Control for Mid-Level Managers Seminar (Cleveland, TN)

Class Location:TN - Bradley County Fire Rescue Headquarters Station 8

Class Start Date: 5/15/2025 9:00 AM

Class End Date: 5/15/2025 5:00 PM

Daily Class Times:

Day 1: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Day 2: 
Day 3: 

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This class is for VFIS Clients ONLY!

The program is designed for field supervisory personnel and training officers. Risk Control for Mid-Level Managers reintroduces the student to risk control with emphasis on identifying, managing and controlling risk as well as potential risk pitfalls associated with Emergency Service Organizations. The program is instructor driven and interactive through group discussion. The program concludes with review of case studies covering various risks including vehicle operations, medical malpractice, general liability from a facilities perspective and employment practices liability.

The overall goal of the program is to provide an understanding of how each individual position within an organization plays an integral and vitally important role in overall risk reduction. Risk reduction will aid in the creation and sustainability of a safety culture within your organization. Additional topics include written policies, rules and regulations, as well as equal and equitable enforcement. This program is applicable to career, volunteer or combination departments both fire and EMS.

Class Locations
TN - Bradley County Fire Rescue Headquarters Station 8

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  • Near Miss & Incident Investigation
  • Risk Management for Emergency Services
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