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Outlines the importance of QA/QI processes in EMS to ensure high standards of patient care and safety.
Action items to consider when implementing modified response practices
This can help you record situations where a patient refuses treatment or transport. (Spanish version)
Operating on a roadway is dangerous and poses many obstacles and concerns for responders. One way for responders to protect themselves is by using a blocking vehicle to protect the scene.
Sample guidelines to help prevent workplace violence and weapon use.
Best practices and procedures to help you launch a successful drone program.
Drone compliance requirements from the Federal Aviation Administration.
Use this checklist to document your safety measures during roadway response incidents.
Assistance to help you avoid common compliance issues with the VFRA Program.
Telehealth data privacy and security concerns and ways to help mitigate the risks.
Tips to help protect your team from heat exhaustion during warmer-weather.
Best practices and sample policy to help create a harassment-free environment.
Suggestions to help protect minors and your organization from sexual abuse risks.
This log can help your crew inspect their SCBA and ensure it's providing breathable air.
Consider these steps to help ensure your station and ambulances are secure.
A sample policy to help educate your team on this risk and your organization's policies.
This document provides an overview of the role and responsibilities of safety officers.
Educate your team on the importance of reporting wrongdoings and how to do so.
Sample bylaws to help showcase the vital role and responsibilities of committee members.
This booklet shares recommendations for an EMS risk management and safety program.
Ways you can help reduce your liability risks when renting out your ESO facilities.
Why public service calls can be misleading and best practices to help reduce your risks.
Tips help protect and secure your portable equipment.
Tips to help emergency service organizations manage and protect their financial assets.
What leaders should know about discrimination and accommodation laws involving pregnancy.
This printable personnel file can help you maintain important member-specific information.
This simple checklist can help your team inspect their PPE.
A sample form to help you document key aspects of work-related injuries and illnesses.
A sample form to present and sign during patient refusal situations. (Spanish version)
A sample form to present during patient refusal situations and have all parties sign.
Ways help reduce your risks and risks to patients during bariatric operations.
Risk factors and recommendations to help address this daily safety concern.
This program discusses the importance of documentation and best practices to consider.
A worksheet to help you assess your current training requirements.
This printable roster can help your department maintain important personnel records.
Printable patient refusal rights and information card (available in English and Spanish).
Tips for interacting with the media in day-to-day and crisis situations.
How COIs can be used to help manage contractual risk when working with third parties.
This article discusses fatigue, its associatesd risks and how to help combat it in your EMS agency.
Tips to help your organization review, evaluate and maintain contracts with third parties.
How to help address fatigue and crewmember strain during long transports.
Tips to help you address the liability and safety concerns of live fire trainings.
How to help limit your liability risks when alcohol is served at your facility.
This booklet defines leadership and discusses best practices for fire service leaders.
Considerations to help protect your junior members, adult advisors and organization.
How to help ensure that your website is accessible to all citizens in your community.
Steps to help you investigate harassment, theft and other workplace wrongdoing events.
A sample form to help you document key aspects of infectious exposures.
A guide to developing and utilizing a near miss program to help address your unique risks.
A sample form to help you document key aspects of incident exposures.
Suggestions to properly secure hoses and help prevent potentially devasting incidents.
Considerations for when hose loading operators should be permitted to ride on apparatus.
Steps to help improve your level of safety during highway response incidents.
Tips to help standardize your policies and procedures for gaining access to structures.
Guidelines to help members remain safe while utilizing fitness equipment or facilities.
Best practices and safety checklist to help ensure safe firework festivities.
Ways to help your department reduce the risks and liability concerns of Class B foams.
Detailed booklet to help emergency service organizations plan for disasters.
What you should know if there's an EEOC charge lodged against your organization.
This can help you record situations where a patient refuses treatment or transport.
This bulletin can help your agency review standby requests and create written agreements.
A questionnaire to help assess your employment practices and policies.
How to create or modify your firefighter job descriptions to follow best practices.
How to create or modify your EMS job descriptions to follow best practices.
How you can use motor vehicle reports to help you select and utilize the best drivers.
A printable form to record key incident details and assess situations for root causes.
Considerations and variables to help guide your staffing levels and requirements.
Policies to help prevent technology abuse and reduce exposure to personnel-related claims.
A manual dedicated to helping instructors train more effectively.
Examples of guidelines and policies to help mitigate substance abuse and related risks.
How you can help ensure your cell phone communication is properly documented.
How your organization can adjust your culture to help promote a safer environment.
Best practices to help organizations prepare for, respond to and recover from a crisis.
What to consider when selecting or designing a conversion vehicle.
This booklet provides detailed guidance to help make these vehicles safer to operate.
This form can be used to help evaluate the safety and handling of conversion vehicles.
This booklet outlines safety and logistical precautions for junior member camps.
A comparison of popular driver monitoring systems in the fire and EMS industry.
Recommended cleaning steps for firefighters to take at the scene and at the station.
This booklet discusses firefighter cancer risks and prevention best practices to consider.
This manual shares steps departments have taken to build successful support programs.
A detailed overview of grant opportunities in fire and emergency services.
VFIS clients have access to discounted background screenings through IntelliCorp.
Back injury risks, safety tips and patient handling techniques for EMS personnel.
Tips to help you assign an agreed value to your VFIS insured vehicles.
Why you need an annual driver requalification process and best practices to consider.
A quick overview of driver monitoring systems to consider before you make a purchase.
Recommendations to help ESO leaders adhere to the Act and implement best practices.
Potential risks and guidelines for allowing passengers during ambulance transport.
This sample form can help EMS providers document their pre-hospital airway care.
Equipment failure can result in catastrophic injury to responders, bystanders or both. Routine testing of fire hose, couplings, appliances and nozzles is necessary.
The use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), also referred to as drones, has increased nationwide as regulations regarding who can operate these systems have rapidly changed.