Personnel Management

Explore by category: Personnel Management

Member Family Assistance Program

Services designed specifically for Emergency Service Organization personnel and their families.

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Workplace romance and liability risks

Best practices to help leaders manage personal relationships in their ESO.

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Building confidence for discipline and termination decisions

Recommendations for making equitable and legally defensible disciplinary decisions.

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Promoting diversity & avoiding discrimination in hiring claims

The importance of diversity while hiring employees and selecting volunteers.

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Lessons on risk management

Tips for preventing, discovering and stopping workplace wrongdoing.

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Options other than termination?

Why termination isn't always the best option - professionally or legally.

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Limiting exposure to constructive discharge claims

The importance of avoiding behaviors that lead employees to feeling "forced out".

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Help avoid mistakes that lead to retaliation claims

An overview of legally protected acts that are typically involved in retaliation lawsuits.

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You asked what? Questions may lead to discrimination claims

How your means to build rapport during interviews could actually be a legal exposure.

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EEOCA's guidance on criminal background checks

Assessing the possibility of discrimination while utilizing criminal background checks.

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Personnel Law Alert: Lack of supervisory training can lead to liability

How you can train your supervisors to effectively manage personnel-related issues.

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Enforcing Policies and Procedures: Actions speak louder than words

The liability risks of not having policies and procedures - or not following them.

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Job Descriptions: Accurate and fully utilized?

How an effective job description can be used far beyond the application process.

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Personnel policies uniformly administered? Exceptions shouldn't be the rule

Why you should assess, track and monitor what your members are being disciplined for.

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"Rightful" Personnel Terminations: Breaking up is hard to do

Tips to help managers terminate personnel in a considerate, consistent and legal manner.

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Retaliation and Wrongful Termination: Links to liability

This article details the importance of analyzing and documenting support for termination.

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Human Resources in Emergency Services: Undervalued and Underutilized?

Human resources 101: the basics ESO leaders should know.

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Social Media: Postings may compel ESOs to take disciplinary action

Guidance on implementing social media policies and discussing social media in your ESO.

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Understanding workplace harassment myths

See if these myths live in your ESO and take steps to help protect your team.

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How solid is your drug and alcohol free workplace program?

Best practices for implementing a comprehensive substance abuse program.

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Successfully managing difficult personnel

Tips to help leaders guide, teach and counsel members with negative attitudes.

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Pranks, hazing & harassment

Assessing "jokes" and other behavior to see if a line has been crossed.

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Supreme Court Finds: Firefighters were subjected to reverse discrimination

What Ricci v. DeStafano means for ESOs who are instituting affirmative action initiatives.

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Performance Evaluations: Ten tips for improving your system

Best practices to help leaders make the most of performance evaluations.

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Job Descriptions: Develop, integrate and update

How to use job descriptions to help you manage your team beyond the hiring process.

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Conducting internal investigations

How leaders can help ensure consistent and fair internal investigation.

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Workplace Retaliation Claims on the Rise

The significant risk of retaliation claims and steps to help prevent them.

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Risks You Face in a Wireless World: Camera phones, emails and Iinternet

How technology abuse can lead to violations of privacy.

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The role of diversity in serving multicultural communities

How you can create a better appreciation and understanding of diversity in your ESO.

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Why 2016 is high-risk for workplace discrimination claims

Preventing emotionally-charged conversations from turning into conflict and lawsuits.

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Retaliation in the Workplace: Guidance from the EEOC

Guidance and best practices for investigating and preventing retaliation claims.

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Increased exposure to personnel litigation

Personnel-related lawsuit risks and how to help prevent related misconduct.

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Workplace conduct: harassment or locker room talk?

Don't let locker room talk, just having fun or rites of passage plague your ESO.

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Workplace Grievance + Complaint Procedures

Guidance to help your team identify, investigate and report complaints and grievances.

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Workplace Discrimination Based on Language and Accents

What unlawful national origin discrimination is and how to help prevent these acts.

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Weapons in the Workplace

Sample guidelines to help prevent workplace violence and weapon use.

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Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

A summary of this Act and how ESO leaders can help ensure they are adhering to it.

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Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

A summary of this Act and how ESO leaders can help ensure they are adhering to it.

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State MVR Check Procedures

What state-specific procedures to follow to obtain the driving records of your members.

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Standardizing the Application + Hiring Processes

Application and hiring suggestions to help protect your ESO from legal action.

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Staffing for Crisis

How you can begin to prepare for potential staffing issues during crisis situations.

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Social Media: Personnel Guidelines

How your ESO could be liable for what your members post on their personal social pages.

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Sexual Harassment: Guidelines, Procedures + Sample Policy

Best practices and sample policy to help create a harassment-free environment.

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Sexual Abuse & Misconduct: Protecting Minors

Suggestions to help protect minors and your organization from sexual abuse risks.

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Sample: Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Prevention Policy

A sample policy to help educate your team on this risk and your organization's policies.

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Sample Workplace Wrongdoing + Whistleblower Policy

Educate your team on the importance of reporting wrongdoings and how to do so.

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Return to Work Considerations

Factors to consider when determining an individual's readiness to return to full-duty.

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Progressive Discipline and Terminations

Best practices to help your organization with the disciplinary or termination process.

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Preventing Workplace Violence + Threats of Violence

Best practices and a sample policy to help you proactively mitigate workplace violence.

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Personnel Termination: Meeting Checklist

Checklist to assist in facilitating uniform and equitable termination meetings.

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Personnel Self-Assessment: Annual Medical Status Overview

This form can be used to help education ESO leadership on their member's medical history.

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Personnel File: Personal Contact + Information Sheet

This printable personnel file can help you maintain important member-specific information.

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Performance Management and Evaluations

Tips to help your organization administer and document performance evaluations.

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North Carolina Transportation Notification System (NC TNS)

Information about the NC TNS and tips to help your agency gain access to the system.

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Medical Evaluation Programs

Why medical evaluation programs are important and tips to help your ESO implement one.

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Live Fire Training Checklist

Tips to help you address the liability and safety concerns of live fire trainings.

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Junior Member Programs Policy Outline

Considerations to help protect your junior members, adult advisors and organization.

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Investigating Workplace Misconduct

Steps to help you investigate harassment, theft and other workplace wrongdoing events.

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Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training

Tips for hosting effective training sessions to help prevent these harmful actions.

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Family Medical Leave Act

Important aspects of FMLA and tips to help ensure your ESO adheres to it.

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Exit Interview Procedures

How to use employee separations to learn about your current work environment and policies.

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Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Overview

What you should know if there's an EEOC charge lodged against your organization.

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Employment Practices Liability (EPL) Self-Assessment

A questionnaire to help assess your employment practices and policies.

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Employment Practice Exposure - Firefighter Position Description

How to create or modify your firefighter job descriptions to follow best practices.

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Employment Practice Exposure - EMT Position Description

How to create or modify your EMS job descriptions to follow best practices.

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Emergency Communications Center Staffing

Considerations and variables to help guide your staffing levels and requirements.

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Electronic Communication Use Policies

Policies to help prevent technology abuse and reduce exposure to personnel-related claims.

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Drug and Alcohol Policies for ESOs

Examples of guidelines and policies to help mitigate substance abuse and related risks.

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Determining Discipline: Checklist

This checklist can assist management with reaching disciplinary decisions for members.

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Conducting Junior Fire & EMS Camps

This booklet outlines safety and logistical precautions for junior member camps.

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Behavioral Health Concerns for Fire & EMS Personnel

This booklet discusses behavioral health risks, concerns and best practices.

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Background Screening through IntelliCorp

VFIS clients have access to discounted background screenings through IntelliCorp.

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Americans with Disabilities Act

Recommendations to help ESO leaders adhere to the Act and implement best practices.

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Workplace Violence

Discusses awareness, prevention techniques, and actions necessary when events occur.

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Respectful Workplace Supervisor

Harassment prevention training for supervisors

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Respectful Workplace Employee

Harassment prevention training for staff

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Social Media

Discusses issues, concerns, and necessary actions to manage social media

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Sexual Abuse and Misconduct

Discusses child sexual abuse and ways to help prevent it in the fire and EMS workplace

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Discuseses leadership and shares different perspectives and applicable situations

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Recruitment and Retention with Tracie Young-Brungard

Tracie Young-Brungard BS, EMTP, RRC, Recruitment & Retention Administrator for the Pennsylvania Office of the State Fire Commissioner joins the discussion on retention and recruitment of personnel in emergency services

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Peer Support with Bryan Duquin and Chaplain Jimmy Fannin

VFIS’ Bryan Duquin and Chief Chaplain Jimmy Fannin of Chaplains Corps of Lancaster County join the program to offer suggestions for providing peer support to ESO members

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VFIS University with Maria Lichty

In this episode, Maria Lichty reviews some recent changes to VFIS University

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Differences without Division (Course)

This 2-hour VFIS instructor led program focuses on anti-bias trainng for fire and EMS

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Risk Control for EMS Mid-Level Managers

Risk Control for Mid-Level Managers is a program developed by John Kottmyer, Director of V

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Electronic Devices & Social Media p1

Emergency responders are utilizing social media at a rapid pace. EMS employees' usage, wri

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Electronic Devices & Social Media p2

Emergency responders are utilizing social media at a rapid pace. EMS employees' usage, wri

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EPL - Sexual Harassment & Discrimination Prevention Part 1

Sexual harassment continues to be a hot topic for business and organizations. What can EMS

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EPL - Sexual Harassment & Discrimination Prevention Part 2

Sexual harassment continues to be a hot topic for business and organizations. What can EMS

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Fatigue Management with Chesterfield Fire & EMS

Fatigue impacts personal health as well as a responder's ability to perform key functions

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Incident Stress Management with Dr. Kathy Jansen

Critical incident stress can have a lasting effect on emergency responders; yet, the stigm

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Differences without Division (Podcast)

Implicit and explicit biases can greatly impact the culture of an emergency service organization

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Encore Episode: Incident Stress Management

The Don't Risk It podcast team is taking a well-deserved break this summer, but we will be

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Encore Episode: Fatigue Management Part 1

The Don't Risk It podcast team is taking a well-deserved break this summer, but we will be

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Encore Episode: Fatigue Management Part 2 with Chesterfield Fire & EMS

The Don't Risk It podcast team is taking a well-deserved break this summer, but we will be

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Risk Control for Mid-Level Management Update

In this episode, we revisit with VFIS Emergency Services Specialist Blair Tyndall and disc

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Recruitment and Retention Using Social Media

"Keep your brand in your voice" as this is the identity of your department. Jenny Bragiel

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Rethinking Volunteer Retention and Recruitment

Volunteer recruitment and retention are among the top issues facing volunteer Fire and EMS

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HR Suggestions for ESOs

Who is responsible for making HR decisions in your organization? In this episode, we talk

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Chaplains in the Fire Service with Jimmy Fannin

Helping the responder process and manage the emotional trauma they see every day

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8 Dimenstions of Wellness for Firefighters, EMS Personnel + 911 Dispatchers

Consider this multi-faceted approach to help your emergency services personnel prevent, cope with and recover from behavioral health concerns.

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Employment Practices

It’s crucial to understand the fundamentals of employment practices, why they’re important and ways you use them to help protect your organization and your most important asset, your people

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Providing Meaningful Support to Your Firefighters + Their Families

Check out this program that's designed to support the health and wellness of first responder employees, volunteers and the workplace.

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9 Lessons your emergency service organization doesn't have to learn the hard way

Challenges other fire departments, EMS agencies and 911 centers have faced—and how you can help avoid them.

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Is your fire department exclusive or inclusive?

How the cumulative effects of exclusionary behavior could negatively impact your volunteer and employee retention rates, and 7 ways leaders can promote a more inclusive culture.

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